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Saturday, July 4, 2020

7 years asleep


So it has been 7 years since my last post. 

One reason is, aside from the fact that i dont have the means to go online, sit, and make a blog post, is I have been waiting for google to create a Blogger app. They do have just now, but it still needs LOTS of improvement!

Btw, its already 2020. Bloggers nowadays are widely known as Vloggers. Both with the liking to provide information and entertainment (some are just entertainment, blah!) but the later is using different media, videos. People are now calling Vloggers as Bloggers, but I beg to differ. Just because. Haha! Well, as I just recently remembered, we are also doing some documentary series in the past, that was almost vlogging-ish. So yeah.

Im hoping that I could still continune writting in this blog starting today, and in english, if possible, to reach a wider audience. 

Disclaimer: I'm not an english major and english is not my first language, so you may see lots of errors on my grammar, tenses, etc. Please let it go (and inform me so I can edit it and I will grow :D)

Image captured from Netflix series: Dark. But its irrelevant to this post. 

What actually initiated me to write again is because these days, there are lots of 'Influencers' showing up. Most of them creating a vlog, or a Twitter/Instagram post as a medium. 
Well, lot's has changed in the past 7 years. And if I had a kid just after writing my last post, that kid should be 7 by this year. That would be a grade schooler!
What Im trying to say, is that kids then were teenagers now, and most of them watches or "follow" these online personalities or Influencers, which could affect their personality, positively or negatively.

I have no ill will against online influencers. What I think is, if you consider to be one, you have a great responsibility to your followers. You have a way to put a seed in their minds and hearts. Please, let that seed grow positively to affect later generations and other people.

With these lots of influencers around, we bend to their beliefs and imitate their actions. In how I see it, following many influencers is like accepting their opinions to guide your life. What we may end up is, us not having our own personality, hence we would have difficulty understanding who we really are. Yeah, you may disagree with me, no worries, I understand. 

We can choose any online personalities that we like to follow. But I would like to suggest to please, choose the ones that will make you a better person.

If you want to become one of these online influencers, be sure to have content to make you followers a better version of themselves. They deserve it since you will not get paid much without them.

So yeah. These were also just my opinion. Its always up to you how will you receive it.

I know, this is not a very good and appropriate post after a 7 year hiatus, since there is no update from myself whatsoever. But it will make sure to have one if im not to lazy write, in the next few days? Weeks? Months? Hehe. Lets see.

If you are reading this far, I appreciate you time. I'll be more happy if you leave a comment.

God bless us all!

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